Tribe is a Free Company and SFW Social RP Jazz Lounge. Technically open all hours, Tribe is NPC-staffed most of the week, though on alternating Thursday evenings is actively staffed. Visit our venue and Staff pages for details about the jazz bar, the Facilities page for other RP locations in our Private Chambers, and the Free Company page if one of your RP characters needs a place to belong!Our next opening is in:

    Tribe Jazz Lounge

    Tribe is a Jazz Lounge in a speakeasy style. Exposed brick walls and a dark, classy atmosphere with a stage, coat area, and multiple other facilities in the private chambers.

    Set across two floors, with a stage on each and comfortable seating, plenty of options for groups large and small, and attentive staff who operate the bar and roam the rooms, checking on patrons.

    The stage, with its upright piano, microphone and speakers of Garlean design, lend themselves to amplifying live performances. The bar's Watch2gether plays Jazz music during opening nights. During off-hours, the orchestrion is loaded with Eorzea's jazziest tracks.

    ALL GIL IS IN RP ONLY! THE DRINKS ARE FICTIONAL, THUS SO IS THE EXCHANGE.Tribe is a volunteer gig - we staff this place because it is fun to do so, and so we don't expect anything for the pleasure. However, we do accept bribes voluntary tips, if you feel like supporting future events, expansions and redecorations.

    Private Chamber Facilities

    Tribe was originally founded as a place of varied function, for relaxation, private meetings, training, even as a place to stay for those in need. As such, multiple, casually usable RP locations exist in our Private Chambers.

    Venue Rules

    Tribe is a Safe For Work venue. Please keep ERP out of /say and /em (what you do in party chat or tells with those who consent to it is up to you, if you are a recipient of unwanted attention in that regard, though, please report them to a member of staff from our Discord, with screenshots).As for other etiquette, drama is welcome in character, but our IC staff will eject violent visitors, just like a real bar. Characters who serially offend will be banned, you are welcome to do so intentionally for the sake of plot with no hard feelings OOC, Phoenicia is fiercely protective of the friendliness of her space but as a player, good drama is good drama. Players who create out of character drama are not welcome, three strikes, you're out.Please also respect that this is a roleplaying venue. Casual roleplayers and non-roleplayers are welcome, but please bear in mind roleplayers might not interact with non-roleplayers, to maintain their immersion. It isn't personal. If you're looking to get into roleplaying but aren't sure where to start, please feel free to /tell a member of staff with questions, or come join our discord and we can continue to help!In light of the above, please use Online Status tags to represent your immersion if possible:
    Looking for Party = "Please approach me, I am looking for new RP or am new and unsure how to start RPing."
    Busy = "I am actively avoiding roleplay, I just want to take a look around."
    Role-playing = "I'm in character, whether casually or immersively."
    Anyone without a tag will be treated tentatively as though they are in-character unless people are told otherwise.Please do not use the Looking to Meld Materia tag; this tag is for staff, so you can always spot us in the crowd! Please also keep /yell and /shout chat free for IC (/yell) and OOC (/shout) announcements respectively.Speaking of IC and OOC, for those new to RP, most people will use "quote marks" for speech In Character, and it's common practise to mark Out Of Character comments, either by prefacing OOC: or putting the OOC comments in ((double parentheses)), so if you're wondering why people are using such markings, that's why!Weapons are invited to be removed. There is a cloak area downstairs, under the stairs, where staff can store your weapon in the locked Armoire in character, and the NPC staff member there will watch over it. Out of character, please hide your weapon either before entry or after visiting the cloak area if you choose to do so. This is advisory, as for example, we respect characters who have sworn to their weapons, or who have reason to believe they cannot be safe without it.Tribe is pet-friendly. If your character has an in-character pet, you are welcome to keep your minion out. For non RP visitors and observers, though, please unsummon minions. We don't want the bar, tea house and spa overrun with animals nobody can interact with! Also in the unlikely event that we have an unprecedented full house, minions count toward maximum occupancy.

    We are affiliated with Silver Valkyrie Events and Endless Nights Events, and so also follow all SVE and ENE rules! For more info visit our affiliates page.

    Player Staff

    Tribe offers a home for those who need one. If you or your character need somewhere to make yourself at home, Tribe is a Free Company on Lich server, with a Medium house, FC buffs (usually food, teleportation or EXP) that anyone can use, and a relaxed atmosphere.If you want to join, seek out Phoenicia Malquir on Lich, or join our Discord.


    We are partnered or affiliated with all of the below. Click on the logos to head to their respective sites!